LynxLoom for Windows
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LynxLoom is appropriate for looms from 2 up to 22 warps and wefts, you can establish them yourself by selecting the right value in the popup menus in the left side of the window. The default number of threads for a rapport in the warp and weft is 1024 threads, but that can be changed. The weave has a rising chain with pulled-down shaft. The program offers the opportunity to watch the back-side of the weave.
In each design can be worked in true color. This means that there can be made a choice out of more than 17 million colors. In the palette are placed 64 default colors for fast access.
Part of the design can be manipulated, like mirror, rotate, etc.
General directtions
Usually you start with the definition of the weave. You select the sections by clicking with the mouse. You delete a section by clicking it again.
First you choose the color of the thread by clicking on a color in the palet. Than you click your pattern in the sections of weft and warp. Simultaneously the weave will be build up in the weave-area.
To show the non-visible part (if the design is larger then the window) you use the scrollbars between the weft or warp of the weave-area.
Edit warp and weft
You can select a part of your design in the section of warp and weft and then edit it in different ways. The selection can be copied to the pasteboard (a part of the computer memory).
You can cut and then paste it somewhere else,copy, make mirror images, delete, change color overall,or give it a whole range of colors (see the images to the right).
A gradient-fill have to be prepared in the palet.
A threat or selection can be Inserted or Overwrited.
You can undo the most of your editting.
With the overview you can get an impression of a total weave based on a little area of the design. In the overview the design will be repeated till the maximum-size of the weave-window is filled. You can zoom-in and zoom-out in the overview.
You can invert the weave, so that the back-side of the weave will be shown and/or show a black and white version..
You can adjust the number of warps and wefts (2 - 23) and thickness of the thread and the interspace (0 -10 and 2 - 12).
You can also save some preferences like automatic back-up, save with colorpalet, and others.
File menu
Design can be saved and you can reload previously saved designs. You can also save the design as an image (pict- or bmp-format). You can print the design as a table or
Edit menu
In this menu you will find all the different ways to edit. You can activate them also in the toolbox or by keyboard shortcuts.
Project menu
In the project menu there are some functions for the project, like duplicating a weave. In that way you can make some variations on the same design.
Window menu
Every design is placed in its own window. In this menu all open windows are shown. Select any window so it can be placed in front.
Help menu
De option 'LynxLoom help' opens a window with a short and simple description of the LynxLoom functions. You can select the hep-language in the preferences-window.
The palette
You can find the edit function in the palet. You can cut and then paste it somewhere else,copy, make mirror images, delete, change color overall,or give it a whole range of colors. You also find here the insert/overwrite-button.
On the right side of the toolbox you find the RGB color-sliders, colorchips with predefined colors and the color indicators. By clicking on the color incicators the system color-palettes will appear.
You also can find there the colorchips to define a gradient and the color pipet, to copy any color out off the design..